Notre Dame School uses multiple programs to assist with learning. One program is Renaissance Suite for Learning, which utilizes comprehensive, integrated reading and math programs. The Renaissance programs use norm-referenced assessment data to provide learning objectives and goals at each student's level. Teachers and administrators can use STAR diagnostic assessment data to monitor class and student progress and personalize math and reading instruction. Accelerated Reader motivates students to read at their zone of proximal development, increasing fluency through appropriate and relevant training. Using Renaissance Home Connect, families can log in from home computers, and students and parents can receive instant updates on progress toward reading and math goals in both English and Spanish.
In addition, IXL math and reading are used as a resource to allow each student to work at their level and provide additional assessments either for extra practice or as a tool to accelerate.
The students in TK through 1st use iPads in a small group setting, with each class having approximately ten iPads. Grades 2-4 have a class set of iPads, and in the 5th-8th grade, each student has access to a class set of Chromebooks. These students use the devices to work on Renaissance programs and IXL. In addition, the English Language Arts program and Science program can also be accessed through iPads or Chromebooks. The intermediate grades students also use Chromebooks to access Google Docs for typing projects.
Each Junior High student is assigned a Chromebook to be used during the school year. Students use their Chromebooks to access online textbooks and other learning resources. Jr High students take advantage of the Renaissance learning suite as well. They also have their own Google accounts, using them to access Google apps such as Gmail for correspondence, Docs for word processing, and Slides for presentations. Teachers and students also use Google Classroom for posting assignments and accepting student work.
In the classroom, there is a teacher's MacBook, iPad, projector, Smart TV, and Smartboards in the Junior High. Teachers are proficient at computer literacy and routinely use technology throughout the instructional day.